Mini Program 1 - Searching details on Google using Python

Python is a simple programming knowledge which is easy to learn. Practice will help you to master it. You must have explored many courses which explains each topic of Python in detail. In this blog post, we will design small python programs, combining one or more topics, for the most commonly used cases found in our day to day activities.

Let's meet Knowddy who wants to do things out-of-the-box. She doesn't want to use the conventional Google search. She asks her friend Highbrow for suggestions and here is how they created a Python program to scrape Google search. Be like them and automate everything using Python.

Together, they created a pseudo code for the same. Here is a deal - Use the psuedo code to create your own python program and come back to check the code here(Github Link)

Visuals are created using canva


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