
Showing posts from 2019

Mini Program 12 - Web-Scraping using Selenium

Do you know how easy it is to scrape a website? I am sure most of us have used beautifulsoup to web-scrape. But this time, we came across another package that can also be used. The selenium package can be leveraged quite efficiently to scrape websites too. Try it out today! After all, who doesn't like choices. #CodeWithUs to find out more and do it your self!!  You can find the code at  Python Code - GitHub You can also follow us on  Facebook - In It To Learn

Mini Program 11 - Creating File Splitter in Python

Have you ever faced the wrath of large files which are not possible to read. Yes! It's so annoying. Recently came across this situation. We leveraged it to learn more on Python. We developed a file splitting code that can split based on the number you desire. Isn't it cool or is it 😇? #CodeWithUs to find out more and do it your self!!  You can find the code at  Python Code - GitHub You can also follow us on  Facebook - In It To Learn

Mini Program 6 - Writing Python Dictionary Elements into Excel file

Knowddy and Hairbrow are bored. They want to involve into something very different yet useful. They came across Dictionary in Python and openpyxl module in Python. Can the key-value pairs of dictionary items of any length be saved in excel? Find out the answer and try to create your own python code from the pseudo code shared below. Here's the Knowddy's and Hairbrow's version of Python code ( GitHub Link ) Visuals are created using  canva

Mini Program 10 - Exploring Python Debugger

Have you ever wondered if Python has debugger? Can we do away with boring print statements for debugging? Well! The answer is "Yes". Python debugger comes as a part of standard Python distribution. It's a great tool for tracking bugs. With not so much of documentation available online, we have come up with the complete illustration on how you can work with them. Enjoy the video below! #CodeWithUs to find out more and do it your self!!  You can find the code at  Python Code - GitHub You can also follow us on  Facebook - In It To Learn

Mini Program 9 - Checking the sentiment of a sentence

Here again we have brought something that might interest you. Did you ever want to check the sentiment of a sentence by yourself? You can start by simply calculating the percentage of positive and negatives words in the sentence to come to a conclusion. We have created the basic step for you in the video below. You can add more complex algorithm to it like handling case where "not good" represents "bad" and "not bad" represents "good".  #CodeWithUs to find out more and do it your self!!  You can find the code at  Python Code - GitHub You can also follow us on  Facebook - In It To Learn

Mini Program 8 - Creating Package in Python

How often have you used Python Packages! Packages in Python makes our life easier be it numpy, matplotlib or Pandas.  Do you know you can create your own package in Python and use it across your Projects and automate a lot! #CodeWithUs to find out more and do it your self!!  You can find the code at  Python Code - GitHub You can also follow us on  Facebook - In It To Learn

Mini Program 7 - Checking the similarity between 2 strings

We are here with yet another exciting program in Python. Do you know, you can check the similarity between the strings using a simple math rule of finding the cosine of angle between the vector? #CodeWithUs to find out more and do it your self!!  You can find the code at  Python Code - GitHub You can also follow us on Facebook - In It To Learn

Mini Program Challenge - 1

Here is an opportunity to showcase your knowledge of Python. Comment below the solution of this challenge and brag your Python skills. Stay tuned for the solution soon!! Solution - Problem statement - Generate complex password using Python Python Modules used - random and string You can access the code snippet at Github Repository Follow us on facebook  for more updates

Mini Program 5 - Connecting SQLite DB using Python

Have you observed that Knowddy and Hairbrow keeps changing their shapes and size? However, rest assure their characteristics - continuous learning remains the same. The same is with the data. You can save them as excel and perform data manipulations or store them as dataframe and perform the analysis. Another way is to push the data into sql tables and write your queries to get the insights. We see that Python is robust enough to allow you to connect to a database and perform all the sql operations. The study buddies have tried and tested this using a light weight database - sqllite.  Do you want to try sqllite connections in Python with them? Below is the pseudo code for you to experiment with and here is the link to their version ( GitHub Code ) All visuals are created using Canva

Mini Program 4 - Image Detection Using Python

Knowddy  is bored. Now that she has got a hang of what  all can be done using Python, she wants do some interesting stuffs leveraging her Python knowledge.  Hairbrow  is all excited with this idea!  Try to create your own python code from the pseudo code shared below. Here's the Knowddy's and Hairbrow's version of Python code ( GitHub Link )

Mini Program 3 - Pattern Matching in a text file

Hairbrow is stuck in her task. She has to search all occurrences of a word in a huge text file. As lazy to do a manual work, she approaches her buddy Knowddy for help. Then, they code not only to search words but also to highlight all occurrences and save the newly created output file. Try to create your own python code from the pseudo code shared below. Here's the Knowddy's and Hairbrow's version of Python code ( GitHub Link ) Visuals are created using  canva

Mini Program 2 - Finding the frequency of words in a text file

After their successful attempt to automate Google search, Knowddy and Hairbrow are up to their next automation task using Python. They are trying to find the top 3 words occurring in a paragraph based on their frequency.  Why don't you try to create a Python program from the Pseudo code that they shared and join their journey of happy learning!! Don't forget to check out their code ( GitHub Link ) Visuals are created using  canva

Mini Program 1 - Searching details on Google using Python

Python is a simple programming knowledge which is easy to learn. Practice will help you to master it. You must have explored many courses which explains each topic of Python in detail. In this blog post, we will design small python programs, combining one or more topics, for the most commonly used cases found in our day to day activities. Let's meet Knowddy who wants to do things out-of-the-box. She doesn't want to use the conventional Google search. She asks her friend Highbrow for suggestions and here is how they created a Python program to scrape Google search. Be like them and automate everything using Python. Together, they created a pseudo code for the same. Here is a deal - Use the psuedo code to create your own python program and come back to check the code here( Github Link ) Visuals are created using canva